We Are Truck Tailgate Installation Service Provider in Singapore
KHB Union Pte Ltd was established in Singapore with a mission to provide reliable truck tailgate installation and tailgate maintenance services to clients in Singapore.
Mr.Kew, the founder of the KHB Union, realises a lot of the clients in Singapore are concerning about the quality of the tailgate in the market in early 2010s. Thus, Mr.Kew decided to venture into tailgate installation business and working serious to research for high quality of the tailgate products at overseas. Finally, a tailgate brand, “CSP POWER” established. CSP POWER Hydraulic Tailgate products are manufactured and imported from different regions of the world, with its internal motor and hydraulics manufactured and engineered in Sweden.
KHB Union has served more than 50+ companies since established. As a fastest growing company in tailgate installation and service provider, KHB Union Pte Ltd keep expanding professional services in order to provide the one-stop solutions for clients in Singapore.